Visitors to Kota Bharu must visit its famous beach, Pantai Cahaya Bulan (Moonlight Beach). It used to be called Pantai Cinta Berahi (Beach of Passionate Love), a name reputedly given by a lovelorn British soldier in a moment of fantasy while he was at the beach during World War Two. Today, some locals still use the old name, although many now prefer to just refer to it as 'PCB'.
With a long, wide and sandy beach, it is a popular spot for local family outings especially during weekends. The beach is well-developed for visitors' convenience, with a resort Hotel, chalets, restaurants, food stalls, a camping ground, public restrooms and changing rooms.
The journey to the beach from Kota Bharu will take you through quaint, traditional Malay villages. This area is famous for the small industry of traditional handicrafts. Look out for simple advertisements along the roadside as you pass through, indicating batik printing, songket-weaving, brassware and kite making shops. You can buy these handicraft items directly from these producers at a good price.
Actually pcb is like nothing becoz the beach has no longer be the same anymore. No more sand beach, all that remained were only the sea and the stones as the coastal embankments. But the sea is quite nice la, and still ramai yang pergi sana particularly during holidays sampai jamm habis and takder parking ok!haha..we just went there to hang out and enjoy the beauty of Allah's creation. Subhanallah, release tension..alhamdulillah. Pergi la sana, not to worry sebab ada banyak gerai makan and ada kites juga bolehlah main sekali..hehe
Getting there:
From Kota Bharu town, take the D1 Route headed north towards Pengkalan Chepa. Pantai Cahaya Bulan is located some 10km down this road. If you are taking public transportation, take Bus No.10 from the town centre. The journey takes about 20 to 25 minutes.
Juadah Sahur, Berbuka dan Moreh Ramadan 2025
7 hours ago
cuti2 ni ramai pengunjungnya yer....
wslm,ha'ah mmg ramai nak ambik angin cuti kot..hehd
woooo...lama xkesana.
salam kak.
akak org kb ke? kita jarang la gi pcb ni even blaja kt kb tu je. huhu.
nnti blh la akak bwk kita gi jalan2 eh. hihi.
Carlos Santiago..kena pergi tu ambik angin pcb..hehe
Akak asl pasir mas tp dok kat wakaf bhru..he2 dkt je ngn kb..blaja kt mana?insyaALLAH nt bleyh akak bwk..ini pun org yg bwak akak..he3
wahhh...pakai englishh da skang...
Hahahaha..campur2 jugok..hehe
dh lme xpergi cni...bru thu kisah nama pantai tu..hihii
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