17 March 2013

Takut Nyamuk!


To tell the truth, i hate nyamuk so much! Saper jer yang sayangkan nyamuk? Ahahaha. Tapi kan tiap kali kena gigit ngan nyamuk n bila kita tepuk/tampar mengena kan then siap ada darah lg tu kan i wonder la...and seriously macam takut and curious sangat like is it my blood? Or darah saper2 jer yang nyamuk tu dah gigit beforehand??? Bila pikir macam tu terus sapu2@gonyoh darah nyamuk tu sepenuh hati hopefully not affected by any disease lar. Hik2. I dont know it's a way of berjaga2 ke apa, but instead of that i know i always sedikit pelik in anything that i do. Bcoz i dnt see either ma or ayu do the same when that stupid nyamuk bite them! Ngeeee~ :p

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